Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Harper Vee Ewell's Birth Story

Here we are again! I'm still a little shook that I have three kids now and we have completed our little family. I'm not going to lie though when I say that I'm a little sad to be done. I love being pregnant and LOVE the newborn stage. But having the feeling that we are done having kids is good. Josh was content with being done after I had Roman and I just wasn't. We went back and forth SO many times if we wanted another for awhile. We tried for like 6 months with no luck, stopped trying, then decided to try one more time and got pregnant! I was so nervous to be having another child when Roman is such a handful! 

When we decided to try one more time I had a positive pregnancy test sometime in September 2019, due date was May 1 2020. About a week or two later I started bleeding. If you remember I had implantation bleeding with Roman so I wasn't too worried, but then I started passing blood clots and I knew then I was having a miscarriage. So I called my doctor, had an ultrasound and blood work done. It was too early to see a baby but we could see the sac. I just knew though it wasn't a viable pregnancy. The next day my doctor called and said that my progesterone was low which is critical in having a viable pregnancy. He put me on some and said to see him in a week for another ultrasound. So that next week went in and had my ultrasound and we should be able to see a baby but all we could find is a sac. Another blighted ovum pregnancy.  This time with me still bleeding my body was already starting to miscarry it unlike my first one. I still chose for a D&C and had it done October 1, 2019.  

So fast forward to March 2020 after 5 months of trying again we decided that this was going to be the last month to try and if I don't get pregnant then we would be done. March 31 I took a pregnancy test a day before my period was supposed to start and it was positive! I was so excited but we had just entered a pandemic and I had no idea what the future held. 

As you could tell leading up to my 9 week appointment was brutal. But once we saw baby and everything was good we could relax. My pregnancy went great with no complications.  We did have to check my thyroid every month because my levels were low from hyperthyroidism but it was not enough to take medications for. We also kept baby's gender a surprise which the most awesome thing to do and I highly recommend it! 

Ok, birth story time.  At my 39 week appointment Dr. Syndergaard stripped my membranes and asked if I wanted to schedule an induction. I already was set on not being induced, but decided that I would schedule one Friday the 4th just two days before my due date hoping I would go into labor on my own before that because the thought of being on Pitocin again was nerve wracking! I had some painful contractions throughout the day after my appointment  but nothing that told me I was in labor. Then at midnight that night I woke up to a contraction I tried going back to bed but soon realized that they were constant. I told Josh 30 minutes later it was time to go in. We had to wake up the kids, make sure we had everything we needed and had a 30 minute drive to Roosevelt(laboring in the car is not fun btw). We dropped the kids off at my sister's house and when we got to the hospital it was 01:28. When we got to L&D I was the only patient there. We got into our room, I changed into the gown, put the monitor on and my nurse wanted to check to see where I was at and if I was really in labor(I knew 100% I was but I just let her do her job).  When she checked me I was 7-8cm dilated and my bag was bulging. I was 2 cm at my doctor's appointment. At that point I knew I wasn't getting an epidural which I didn't want anyways.  My nurse left to call Dr. Syndergaard and let me labor more and said to call if I had the urge to push.  I'm not sure how long it had been when I called and said I had lots of pressure. Everyone came in including my doctor and got everything set up. Then my doctor broke my water and it was time to push. I remember pushing longer than last time and trying to push baby's head past my cervix was excruciating because I still had a lip. I pushed so hard for what seemed like forever, but it was maybe 10-15 minutes or less. Finally at 02:27 after only 2.5 hours of labor, baby girl Harper Vee Ewell was born. 7lbs 2oz 20in. December 1, 2020. 

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